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Online Privacy Policy Statement
February 2019

Our Commitment to Online Privacy 
K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy and to complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Statement ("Statement") explains how personal information you provide is processed when using this website.


The following privacy statement applies only to users of the K&K Insurance Group, Inc. website at www.kandkinsurance.com. This website may contain links to other sites that are outside our control and are not covered by this Statement. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy statement. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit. Aon is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of linked sites or any use of those sites.


Information Gathered by Us
We collect two types of information via our website: Visitor Information and Personal Information. We gather Visitor Information to improve information about products and services offered.


Visitor Information
Visitor Information is collected on an aggregate basis. It includes how many people visit our website, pages people visit, features they use, and how long they stay on the website. Visitor Information is generally gathered using cookies.


"Cookies" are the small files stored on your computer's hard drive as you use a website. We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session ID cookie terminates once a user closes his or her browser. A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on the user's hard drive for an extended period, and must be removed by the user.


Our website uses cookies to make your online experience more convenient. For example, we may use a cookie to store your account information between sessions and to maintain information about quotes you requested during a session. We do not collect any Personal Information from cookies and none of the information can be linked back to your Personal Information.


You can control acceptance of cookies by modifying your Internet browser preferences. You have the ability to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set or to reject all cookies. Please note that, if you choose to block all cookies you may not be able to access all or part of our site and may be unable to use those services or engage in activities that require the placement of cookies.


Personal Information
We collect Personal Information when you complete an online form and retain Personal Information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the stated purpose(s), or as required by law. We also collect email addresses of those users who communicate with us via email. We do not sell email addresses to any third party.

Use of Personal Information
The personal information we collect will be used to provide information and services as requested by you.  We may also use your Personal Information to target valuable marketing and advertising offers or to help us design and build better products and services. You can opt out of receiving these additional communications from us by following the opt-out procedures below.  


Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
We disclose personal information to services providers that are necessary to provide our products and services. We also may disclose or report your Personal Information when we believe, in good faith, that the disclosure is required or permitted under law, for example, to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement authorities or to resolve consumer disputes. We do not rent, sell or otherwise disclose personal information about our online visitors.

Accessing Your Personal Information 
You can update the Personal Information you provided to us, by contacting us at the address listed below.


K&K Insurance Group, Inc. has implemented commercially reasonable standards of security in order to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. 


Opting Out
If you do not wish to receive communications from K&K Insurance Group, Inc. or third parties selected by K&K Insurance Group, Inc. by regular mail, you can contact us at the address or phone number listed below.


Consumer Privacy Notice
K&K Insurance Group, Inc. 
As of February 2019



K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is committed to integrity in all our dealings with our clients.  This commitment extends to any personal information about you that we might possess or acquire.  We are dedicated to providing you with high quality service, support and products while taking appropriate actions to safeguard your personal information.




Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and applicable state laws generally prohibit any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing non-public personal information about you with a non-affiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, including the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed.  In compliance with GLBA and state privacy laws, we are providing you with this notice, which informs you of the privacy policies and practices of K&K Insurance Group, Inc..

GLBA further requires that we inform you of your right to restrict sharing of your non-public personal information with a non-affiliated third party for any purpose that is not specifically authorized by law.  Your right to restrict sharing of non-public personal information with a non-affiliated third party for a purpose that is not specifically authorized by law is called your right to “opt-out” of such information sharing.




1.         Information we collect:
We collect non-public personal information about you from the following sources:
·         Information we received from you on applications and other forms (e.g., name, address and telephone number, 
                  social security number, date of birth, gender, marital status, and prior insurance information).
·         Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, and others (e.g., insurance coverage selections and premiums).
·         Any other information we are allowed to collect by law.


2.         Information we may disclose to affiliates and non-affiliated third parties:
            We also may disclose non-public personal information that we collect (as described in section 1) about customers 
            and former customers to affiliates and non-affiliated third parties as permitted by law.

3.         Non-affiliated third parties to whom we are permitted to disclose non-public personal information:
We are permitted to disclose non-public personal information that we collect, such as we have described above, to the 
following types of third parties that perform services on our behalf:
·         Fulfillment service providers, such as envelope stuffing services, billing and enrollment services.
·         Other third parties that perform services for us that are necessary to effect, administer or enforce your transaction 
      with us (e.g., underwriters, claims representatives, agents and brokers).

4.         Notification of your right to opt-out of certain disclosures:
In the future, if we decide to disclose the information we collect about you, as described above, for purposes other than those described in this notice, which are expressly permitted by GLBA and applicable federal and state regulations designed to protect the privacy of your non-public personal information, we will give you an opportunity to opt-out of such disclosures; that is, we will give you the opportunity to direct us not to make those disclosures.                               


We restrict access to non-public personal information about you, which we hold, to those employees and others who need to know that information to provide products or services to you.  Their right to further use the non-public personal information about you is limited by our employee code of conduct, applicable law and non-disclosure agreements where appropriate.  We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable regulatory standards to guard your non-public personal information.


For Minnesota Residents
The disclosure of personal information among K&K Insurance Group, Inc. and affiliates is authorized under the Minnesota Insurance Fair Information Report Act, § 72A.502, subdivision 8, which allows for disclosure without written authorization where i) the personal information is used for a limited purpose and ii) the affiliate agrees not to disclose the information for any other purpose or to unaffiliated persons.


For Montana Residents
The disclosure of personal information among K&K Insurance Group, Inc. and affiliates is authorized under Montana’s Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act, MCA 33-19-306 (12)(a) and (b), which allows for disclosure without written authorization where i) the personal information is used in connection with an audit or to enable K&K Insurance Group, Inc. to perform an insurance function and ii) an appropriate agreement is executed with the affiliate to limit the affiliate’s use and disclosure of the personal information.


For Nebraska Residents
LB835 permits K&K Insurance Group, Inc. to notify the Nebraska Attorney General when notice is required to any Nebraskan for a breach of security data.


For New Mexico Residents
We may disclose personal information among K&K Insurance Group, Inc. and affiliates without written authorization pursuant to New Mexico’s Privacy Rule, through NMAC.  However, any such disclosure will be only to the extent necessary to effect, administer or enforce a transaction that you have requested or authorized.


For North Dakota Residents
NDCC 26.1-02-27 permits K&K Insurance Group, Inc. to disclose personal information pursuant to NDCC 45-14-01-11, which sets forth North Dakota’s rules promulgated in accordance with NAIC’s Privacy of Consumer Financial and Health Information and allows for disclosure where appropriate opt-out notice and opportunity has been given.


For Vermont Residents
K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is authorized to disclose personal information under Vermont’s Privacy of Consumer Financial and Health Information Regulation Article IV, Sections 14(A), (B) and (C), which provide an exception to the general “opt-in” rule (which requires consumers to affirmatively agree to disclosure) where K&K Insurance Group, Inc. executes an appropriate agreement with the third party that limits the third party’s use and disclosure of the personal information.  K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is further authorized to disclose personal information under Sections 15(A) and (B) which provide an exception to the “opt-in” requirement where the disclosure of personal information is necessary to affect, administer or enforce a transaction that the customer authorizes.  Our release of personal information is also authorized where permitted by law under Section 16(A).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this Privacy Notice.  The address and phone number you can contact should you have any questions is listed below.

K&K Insurance Group, Inc. 
Attn: Compliance Officer
1712 Magnavox Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46804