Professional Sports Team Insurance

Professional Sports Teams

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Eligible Operations
- Professional sports team or league wide programs  - Team owned or managed sports facilities
- Major & minor league sports teams    
Ineligible for this program:    
- Boxing (K&K offers spectator liability only) - Rugby (K&K offers spectator liability only)
- Mixed Martial Arts (K&K offers spectator liability only) - Wrestling (K&K offers spectator liability only)
Coverages Available & Program Highlights
General Liability


- Broadened coverage form   -    Equipment Breakdown included
- No deductible   -    Over 25 Property Enhancements
- Legal Liability to Participants    
- Fireworks Liability   Inland Marine
- Liquor Liability    
- Lessors and sponsors can be included as Additional Insureds   Commercial Auto
- Employee Benefits Liability   -    Nonowned/Hired Auto
- Auditable Policy   -    Owned Autos
 - Volunteers as Additional Insureds    

      Excess Liability
Workers' Compensation (Non-players)    

Event Cancellation & Non-appearance

Common Associated Exposures

  Professional sports teams in the following areas:

- Arena football - Hockey
- Baseball - Lacrosse
- Basketball - Soccer
- Football - Softball
- Golf - Tennis
Related ancillary activities such as:
- Office premises - Public appearances such as interviews and
- Concessions   autograph signing sessions
- Practice games  - Entertainment prior to, at half time, post game
Key Underwriting/Qualifying Factors (Including but not limited to)
- Management must have at least three years management - Waiver/release forms required for all activities where
  experience   spectators participate
 - Minimum account premiums:    
Minor League Baseball - $5,000
NFL - $10,000
Other professional teams - $5,000
Preliminary Underwriting Information Required
- K&K Applications - Certificate of Insurance from outside vendors, independent
- ACORD applications for other requested coverages.   contractors or exhibitors listing insured as additional insured
- Four years of company loss runs, including current year - Copy of all Contracts
- Most current financial statement or pro forms on new - Copy of operations manual
  business ventures