This list does not encompass all entertainers/performers that may be eligible for coverage. If the type of entertainer or performer is not listed in the eligible or ineligible listing, please contact our office for classification. |
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Actor Portraying Historical Person (Actual or |
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Fictional) |
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Balloon Artist
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- |
Belly Dancer |
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Musician, singer or vocalist
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Caricature sketching
- |
- |
Celebrity Look-a-like |
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Psychic/fortune teller
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Clown |
- |
Public speaker (subject to review and approval by us)
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Comedian |
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Conductor |
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Story teller
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Contortionist |
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Theatrical performer (single event option only)
- |
- |
Trade show/promotional model (subject to review and approval by us)
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Face/Body painter (FDA approved/compliant paint only) |
- |
- |
Holiday character
- |
Western Performer |
| Impersonator
| - | Yodeler
| Impressionist
| | |
| | -
Ineligible Operations |
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Acrobatic/Aerialist Performer
- |
Performer putting on an athletic exhibition |
- |
Actor or Actress
- |
Performer using weapons (with live ammunition |
- |
Circus performer
or sharpened blades) |
- |
- |
Permanent tattoo artist/body piercing artist |
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Escape artist
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Production/entertainment companies |
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Exotic dancer
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Public speaker (unless reported and approved)
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Fire handler
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- |
Group acts or bands
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Rap, hip-hop, electronic/techno or heavy metal/screamo
- |
Henna/Mehndi artist
musical entertainer/performer/DJ |
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Hypnotist |
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Strength performer
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- |
- |
Mascot (college, high school, professional) |
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Stunt performer
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Model (unless reported and approved)
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Touring entertainer/performer |
Commercial General Liability |
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Bodily Injury and Property Damage
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Medical Expense |
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Damage To Premises Rented to You |
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Products-completed Operations |
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Bodily Injury to Participants |
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Medical Payments to Participants |
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Enhancement Endorsement Included |
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Abuse or molestation or exploitation
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Sexually transmitted disease
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Any events or activities involving or promoting tobacco or cannabis
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Silica or silica-related dust
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Specified recreational activities - Aircraft/hot air balloon;
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Athletic activity
Airport; Amusement devices: the ownership, operation,
Body surfing and/or mosh pits
maintenance or use of any device or equipment a person rides
Cap on losses from certified acts of terrorism
for enjoyment, including, but not limited to: mechanical or
Commercial general liability standard exclusions
non-mechanical ride, slide or water slide (including any ski or tow
(CG0001 4/13 edition)
when used in conjunction with a water slide), inflatable
Communicable diseases
recreational device, or vertical device or equipment used for
- |
Cyber incident, data compromise, and violation of statutes
climbing whether permanently affixed or temporarily erected.
related to personal data
This exclusion does not apply to video or computer games;
| Employment related practices
| | Animals (injury or death to, or injury, death or property damage
- |
Events hosted/organized by the entertainer/performer
caused by any animal owned, rented or hired by you. However,
- | Fireworks (However, this exclusion does not apply to flashboxes.
| | rabbits, doves, mice, hamsters, non-venomous/non-constricting
| As used in this environment, flashboxes means any device used to
| | snakes and dogs weighing less than 15 lbs are covered for the
| create a visual effect along with an explosive noise that is induced
| | liability arising out of the insured's operations that include the
| electronically in a cylinder with no projectile, wadding, or wrapping)
| | use of these animals); Bungee; Dunk tank; Haunted attractions;
| Full body art/painting
| | Performer ("bodily injury" or "personal and advertising injury"
- |
Fungi or bacteria
to any performer or entertainer during any activity, event or
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Historical battle reenactments
exhibition including, but not limited to, any stunt, concert, show or
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Hot wax impressions
theatrical event); Rodeo; Saddle animal; Snowmobile
| Lead
| - | Those operations listed as ineligible
| Nuclear energy
| - | Throwing of object(s) into the audience during a performance
| Ownership of a facility for performances
| - | Total pollution with a building heating, cooling & dehumidifying
| Personal and advertising injury
| | equipment exception and hostile fire exception
| | - | Unmanned aircraft
| | -
| Use of any substance to paint or apply on the face or body that
| | | is not classified as non-toxic and/or manufactured using only
| | | FDA compliant ingredients
Preliminary Underwriting Information Required |
The following information is required 10 business days prior to the desired effective date: |
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Completed and signed enrollment form |
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Full payment by check or credit/debit card |