In which state is the facility located?
(what's this?)
Please select
Is the current carrier non-renewing coverage?
Please select
Has your organization/business had more than $5,000 in claims over the past 5 years?
Please select
Does the facility have any inflatable devices not designed for cheer gym training?
Please select
Does the insured conduct or attend off-site activities other than competitions, parades, demonstrations or exhibitions?
Please select
Does the insured offer child care or babysitting services?
Please select
Does the facility have any swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, whirlpools or spas?
Please select
Does the facility have climbing walls/devices exceeding 10 feet in height?
Please select
Does the insured offer programs involving professional medical or behavioral treatment or counseling?
Please select
Does the insured conduct any aerial performance training (e.g. circus)?
Please select
If you suspect a participant has a concussion, do you have an action plan that includes:
a. |
Immediately removing the participant from play or practice?
Please select
b. |
Keeping the participant out of play or practice until they provide written clearance from a licensed physician.
Please select
c. |
Confirming sports liability waivers (informed consent) from parents and/or players are secured.
Please select
d. |
Do you maintain a system for your activities that includes communication (in written or electronic form) of education materials to participants, parents and coaches about the nature of risk of concussions, including but not limited to information such as: focusing on prevention and preparedness to keep athletes safe; understanding concussions and potential consequences of the injury; recognizing concussion symptoms and how to respond; and learning about steps for returning to play after a suspected concussion?
Please select