Insurance for Motorsports Clubs

Motorsports Independent Clubs

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Eligible Operations
- Independent Clubs - Parade Participants
- Organizations operating the premises for covered programs - Poker Runs
- Autocross - Rallies
- Business Meetings - Slaloms
- Caravans - Social Functions
- Concours - Tours
- Gymkhanas - Other one car at-a-time events
Ineligible for this program:
- Boating Risks - Hill Climbs
- Drifting - Wheel to Wheel Racing

Coverages Available & Program Highlights

General Liability    
- Broadened Coverage Form - Bodily Injury to Participants
- Fireworks Liability
- Official Vehicle Property Damage
- Racing Event Errors & Omissions - Increased Participant Accident Medical
- Cyber Risk ($25,000 sublimit) - Weekly Indemnity Benefits to Participants
Additional Products    
- Commercial Auto - Liquor Liability
- Crime - Participant Accident Medical Coverage
- Business Income - Property
- Directors & Officers Liability - Excess Liability
- Garage Liability - Event Cancellation & Non-appearance
- Inland Marine    
Key Underwriting/Qualifying Factors (Including but not limited to)
- Must meet K&K Motorsport Guidelines    
- $500 Minimum Account Premium    
Preliminary Underwriting Information Required
- K&K Applications
- Copies of contracts where insured assumes liability of others
- Five years of company loss runs
- Completed ACORD applications for other requested coverages