Martial Arts Schools

Martial Arts Schools

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Program Description
This insurance program is specifically designed for U.S.-based martial arts schools and other organizations specializing in the instruction of martial arts.  For eligible martial arts schools or programs, coverage extends to the ownership, maintenance or use of the premise(s) reported to the Company as well as to your "Covered Operations".  Covered Operations consist of those operations and activities at your locations involving registered members/participants, under your direct supervision or organized by you, that have been reported to and approved by the Company, and for which the applicable premium has been paid.  As well as, off-site competitions, demonstrations, parades and fundraising activities, directly associated with those operations and activities at our location involving registered members/participants that are under your direct supervision, or organized by you; and ancillary events or activities at off-site locations involving registered members/participants under your direct-supervision, or organized by you, that have been reported to and approved by the Company, and for which the applicable premium has been paid.
In addition, coverage can be considered for birthday/Social parties at your premises that are under your direct supervision or organized by you, that have been reported to and approved by the Company, and for which the applicable premium has been paid; as well as for, activities involving non-registered members/participants, under your direct supervision or organized by you, that have been reported to and approved by the Company, and for which the applicable premium has been paid; and tournaments or competitions hosted by you under your direct supervision or organized by you, that have been reported to and approved by the Company, and for which the applicable premium has been paid. 


Eligible Operations
-Aikido-Kickboxing (cardio/fitness only)
-Brazilian jiu jitsu-Kickboxing (contact/sparring)
-Capoeira-Krav maga
-Chi kun-Kung fu
-Dim mak *-Mixed martial arts (Ultimate/extreme/cage fighting) *
-Fitness boxing (non-contact)-Savate *
-Goju-ryu-Sayoc kali *
-Haganah *-Shaolinquan
-Jeet kune do-Tai Chi
-Jiu Jitsu-Tang soo do
-Kali/escrima *-Thai boxing/muay thai *
-Karate -Wushu
Karate includes various styles such as: Chito-ryu, Goju-ryu, Isshin-ryu, Shuri-ryu, Kyokushinkai, Seido juku, Keichu do, Keichu-ryu,
Shorin-ryu, Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Wado-ryu and Yoshukai karate

* Note: Coverage for these styles apply only to instruction/training type programs. Events/competitions/tournaments in which the insured’s members participate with these styles are excluded and not covered under this program.


If the style of martial arts that you instruct is not listed, please call 1-800-648-6406 to inquire about eligibility.
Ineligible for this program:  
-The sport of boxing (contact/sparring)
-Training programs for law enforcement officials,
​-The sport of wrestling
​public safety and military personnel

-Trampoline parks/facilities

Coverages Available & Program Highlights
General Liability Non-Registered Member Activity Coverage (optional)
-Bodily Injury and Property Damage  
-Contractual Liability Abuse & Molestation or Exploitation Defense Cost
-Personal and Advertising Injury   Reimbursement(optional)
-Products and Completed Operations   
-Bodily Injury to Participants Liability  Hosted Tournament Coverage(optional)
-Additional Insured Coverage for landlords included  
-Coverage for off-site demonstrations, exhibitions Birthday Party Coverage (optional)
and participation in tournaments conducted by others
included  Sexual Abuse or Sexual Molestation Liability
-Professional Liability(optional)
-Medical Payments for Participants
 -Premises Liability  Equipment and Contents Coverage (optional) 
-Hired Auto and Employers Nonowned Liability
not available in all states
(Not available in IL, LA, UT, VT and WI)

-Damage to Premises Rented to You

- NEW Broadening Endorsement: Emergency Real Estate
Consultant Fee; Key Individual Replacement Cost;
Temporary Meeting space; Workplace Violence Counseling;
Identity Theft Exposure; Lease Cancellation Moving
Expense; Terrorism Travel Reimbursement
​ ​ ​ ​
Notable Exclusions​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​
​-​Abuse, molestation or exploitation
-​Specified recreational vehicles and activities - Aircraft/hot-air
​-​Acupuncture and acupressure
balloon, Airport, Amusement device: The ownership, operation,
maintenance or use of any device or equipment a person rides
​-Bodily injury to participants while in a hired auto or non-owned
for enjoyment, including, but not limited to: mechanical or


non-mechanical ride, slide, or water slide (including any ski
-​Cap on losses from certified acts of terrorism
or tow when used in conjunction with a water slide), 
Childcare/babysitting services
inflatable recreational device, or vertical device or equipment
Climbing walls exceeding ten (10) feet with no safety harness
used for climbing, whether permanently affixed or temporarily
system, unless reported to and approved by us
erected. This exclusion does not apply to video games or
Commercial general liability standard exclusions
computer games, or any device that is specifically designated
(CG0001 04/13 edition)

for the training or instruction of the activity for which you are
​-Communicable diseases

enrolled, Animal, Bungee, Dunk tank, Haunted attractions,
Crossfit® affiliate owners and/or CrossFit® programs/activities

Performer (injury or death to any performer or entertainer
​-Cryogenic chambers/therapy
during any activity, event or exhibition including but not limited
Cyber incident, data compromise, and violation of statutes

to any stunt, concert, show or theatrical event. This exclusion

related to personal data

does not apply to participants in any activity, event or
​-Cycling (other than stationary)

exhibition that are part of the designated operations for which
Employment related practices

you are enrolled) Rodeo, Saddle animal, Snowmobile
​-​Sports/rehabilitation services/therapy
​-Fungi or bacteria
​Swimming pools
Instruction/activities held on or in open water
The sale or distribution of medicinal, herbal and/or nutritional

(e.g.: lakes, ponds, ocean)
-​​Those operations listed as ineligible
​-Massage therapy
​-Total pollution with a building heating, cooling and dehumidifying
​-Medical, therapy or health care services

equipment exception and hostile fire exception
​-Multi passenger vehicles
-​​Tournaments or competitions involving the following styles:
​-Non-registered participants at events/tournaments hosted by

​Muay Thai-Thai boxing, kali/escrima, Savate, Sayoc kali,
the named insured
Dim mak, Haganah, full contact and submission mixed martial
​-Nuclear energy
​arts, including but not limited to: cage events, extreme
​-Parkour, obstacle course, ninja, free-running, tricking, urban

​fighting and ultimate fighting
gymnastics, extreme tumbling or any similar type programs
Unmanned aircraft
​-Salon services or indoor tanning
-​​Use of projectile weapons including, but not limited to
​-Saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, hot tubs, whirlpools or spas

​firearms and tasers, and defense sprays
Sexually transmitted diseases
​Use of sharpened/bladed weapons
​-Silica or silica-related dust

Preliminary Underwriting Information Required
- K&K applications  
-Coverage will be bound upon receipt and approval of your completed enrollment form and payment
NOW AVAILABLE - Buy Coverage On-line!